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Stealing CSRF tokens using XSS on Signup page

I'm assuming everyone reading this blog post know what CSRF and XSS are.If you don't, having a quick search on google can yield you many results. While crawling for vulnerabilities and searching on google, navigating through pages. I finally landed on a website. As per disclosure policies I'm not allowed to disclose the company/website. So lets use Doing recon using passive and active techniques. I found no sub-domains , no low hanging vulnerabilities. Every mechanism works pretty fine or may be I missed something. After hours of testing, signup page caught my attention. I was like "How did I miss this..." Navigated to After analysis, the url input fields are vulnerable to XSS. But it turns out to be useless because it's on signup page.I though of exploiting it. First I registered an account and verified it using the confirmation link I received in my inbox. I navigated to prof...

Low Hanging Fruits #4

Grabbing : Low Hanging Fruits #4

This tale is about a vulnerability in , 2 years back.
This is the tastiest very low hanging fruit, that I ever grabbed :P .

After many Successful attempts , the same old duplicates and not eligible texts from facebook, finally one fine day with no data pack ...made it.
I'll directly post the screenshot of the Poc :

Response from facebook after few days :
Reported --> fixed --> $750 :D
Finally landed in facebook hall of fame in the year 2016.

Hare Krishna.

See you soon.

@Signing off


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